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My Blog

Caroline Doran
3 min read
Why your why isn’t enough on its own
Why is why important? It’s well documented how important it is to have a clear purpose. Knowing your why helps you to motivate,...

Caroline Doran
3 min read
When I bring to mind an image of a high-performing leader who is thriving I see them in the middle of a huge, connected network. A...

Sarah Browning
3 min read
5 tips for using your kindness as a leader
One of the brilliant things about being a Kindness Cheerleader is that there are so many different contexts to spot it. People behave...

Caroline Doran
2 min read
Time to step off the struggle bus?
Are you on the struggle bus or in the flow limo? I heard this analogy on a training call recently and it landed hard. I often find myself...

Caroline Doran
2 min read
I’ve been thinking about self-belief a lot this week. I identified it as a block for myself with my own coach. I have such clarity on my...

Caroline Doran
2 min read
In my blog for Careering into Motherhood I talk about the link between overwhelm and confidence. I’ve also recorded a podcast episode...

Caroline Doran
2 min read
That is not fair! No way! Oh, actually…
This week I’ve been reflecting on feedback. I got some feedback last week that stung. I wasn’t expecting it and in the moment I felt...

Caroline Doran
2 min read
Giving and Receiving Feedback
“What do you think?” Always a dangerous question to ask a soon to be 13yo about what you are wearing. But I wanted to know. And I knew...

Caroline Doran
2 min read
Everything’s changing
Change is inevitable, growth is optional. These words sit on the Homepage of my website. And I believe them. If the past few years have...

Caroline Doran
1 min read
These are a few of my favourite things…
Work is… How would you complete that sentence? What are the words that just popped in to your head? Work is… It’s a question I asked in a...

Caroline Doran
1 min read
What do you not have time to not do?
“I don’t have time to not be in these nurturing spaces” These words stopped me in my tracks this week. We can so often get swept up in...

Caroline Doran
1 min read
No is a complete sentence.
I love this phrase. But I don’t very often use that tiny word. On its own. Do you? No. Just No. No caveats. No excuses. No apologies....

Caroline Doran
1 min read
Do it your way
Over the last week I have fallen in to the murky world of comparisonitis. It happens from time to time. And it always feels ick. It...

Caroline Doran
1 min read
This old thing???
You look nice today Thank you so much for helping us last week. That dress looks gorgeous on you. I saw this and thought of you, I hope...

Caroline Doran
2 min read
When the going gets tough
Just FYI, the lyrics to that song are deeply troubling. And, in my view, the whole notion that ‘when the going gets tough, the tough get...

Caroline Doran
1 min read
How do you measure thriving? How do you spot a thriving organisation? This is a question I posed on LinkedIn recently. And the answer...

Caroline Doran
2 min read
Rant incoming
Have you read the Deloitte Women at Work 2022: A Global Outlook Report? Just to warn you, it is likely to make your blood boil. And,...

Caroline Doran
2 min read
This too shall pass
Who needs to hear that today? I always think of this saying in relation to bad times. Remember that this challenge will pass. But the...

Caroline Doran
1 min read
“But you’ve only got 100 pages left!”
I am perplexed and horrified. My husband has been reading his book for MONTHS. It is huge. And now, 100 pages from the end, he’s going...

Caroline Doran
2 min read
My greatest productivity hack of the week…
… was an hour long walk with my dog at the start of the day on Wednesday. It involved no to do list or time management software or other...

Caroline Doran
1 min read
In to the unknown
In 2017 I stepped in to the unknown. I stepped away from an organisation that had meant so much to me. A place where I had learnt so...

Caroline Doran
2 min read
Lessons from homework
I don’t understand what I’m supposed to do!! This is spoken through barely held back tears by my 10-year-old. Computing homework. Oh god....

Caroline Doran
1 min read
God that feels good
An empty inbox. A cleared-out wardrobe. A tidy desk. These things do not come naturally to me. I am not a neat and tidy person. I can...

Caroline Doran
2 min read
How much fun are you having in your life right now?
Just stop and have a think. I’ll be honest with you. I have not been having enough fun recently. I have felt joy in my work; gratitude...
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